A modern Bible revision of a classic Bible text.
Edited by: William Masopust
Current Edition: r2501 (About Editions)
The Revised Common Version (RCV) is a derivative work of Noah Webster's[➚] 1833 Common Version[➚] of the Bible (a revision of the King James Version[➚]). As with Webster's Common Version, the RCV aims to make updates to words and phrases so that they are better understood by the everyday reader who may not read the Scriptures with the aid of commentaries. Care has been taken so that changes to the text are not theologically motivated. Changes include the updating of archaic words to the current equivalent, rearranging of sentences to better follow current English, revising of words to correspond with American English, adjusting of punctuation to aid the reader in the flow of reading, addition of quotation marks, notation of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament, and an outline for each chapter. Digital versions of the RCV have the words of Christ in blue.
If you would like to make a contribution to the RCV project, check out the Contributions page.
Articles will include announcements, updates, Bible studies, and other things of note concerning the RCV project. A listing of articles can be found on the Articles page.
Sources used in the revision process of the RCV are in the Public Domain. They are divided into three groups: Biblical Texts, Reference Texts, and Commentaries.
© 2024 William Masopust
This work and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0. Information on this license may be found at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/[➚].
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"Freely you have received, freely give." —Matthew 10:8
When quoting the RCV, you may simply use the "RCV" abbreviation with quotations, or you may note the Revised Common Version as a source for quotations, such as in a list of sources or a bibliography. When attributing this work in other modifications and derivative works, please retain all copyright notices and note that your work is based on or a derivative of the Revised Common Version. I would also appreciate a link to the RCV website with any attributions.
Any distribution of the RCV text, with or without modifications or as a derivative work, must be made under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0. Please follow the above URL so that you may read the license and know your rights regarding the usage of this work. The Eclipse Public License is a Copyleft license that ensures that everyone who receives a work under the license is given the same freedoms to use the work. The source code of the RCV text is available at http://source.rcv.xyz[➚].
The title, The Holy Bible: Revised Common Version, and the RCV logo are unregistered trademarks. They may not be used for derivative works, except as may be necessary to comply with the attribution requirements of the license.
If you have any questions concerning the terms or usage of this text, please feel free to contact me via e-mail (info@revisedcommonversion.com).