Glossary of Terms


A lover, of either gender; a wooer or a mistress (formerly in a good sense, now only in a bad one); one who takes the place, without possessing the rights, of a husband or wife; — used of a man or a woman.
To cut off, as the superficial substance or extremities of a thing; to shave off with a sharp instrument; as, to pare an apple or an orange; to pare the nails; to pare a horse's hoof; to pare land in agriculture.
A second-story room (or even one on the roof); an upper chamber; a loft. It can also be described as the room in a house which the family usually occupies when they have no company.
Want of property; indigence; extreme poverty.
The utter loss of the soul or of final happiness in a future state; future misery or eternal death. The impenitent sinner is condemned to final perdition.
In theology, continuance in a state of grace to a state of glory; sometimes called final perseverance. All who are saved by the grace of God will persevere to the end. John 10:27-29.
Pestilent, or pestilence
1) Producing the plague, or other malignant, contagious disease; noxious to health and life.
2) Troublesome; mischievous; making disturbance; corrupt. Acts 24:5.
Among the Jews, a slip of parchment on which was written some text of Scripture, particularly of the decalogue, worn by devout persons on the forehead, breast or neck as a mark of their religion.
Piety in principle, is a compound of veneration or reverence of the Supreme Being and love of his character, or veneration accompanied with love; and piety in practice, is the exercise of these affections in obedience to his will and devotion to his service.
Pipe refers to a piped, or wind, instrument.
1) A small piece or plot of ground laid out with some design, or for a special use; usually, a portion of flat, even ground. 2nd Kings 9.
2) To weave; to form by texture. Matthew 27.
Either a weight or a measuring line.
1) A register of heads, that is, of persons.
2) To clip; to cut off the ends; to cut off hair or wool; to shear.
Descendants; children, children's children, etc. indefinitely; the race that proceeds from a progenitor. The whole human race are the posterity of Adam.
1) To decree, decide, or appoint beforehand; to foreordain; to predetermine; to limit in advance.
2) "While in ξελέξατο ('chosen'—Ephesians 1:4) the idea of selection out from among others is prominent, in προορίσας ('predestined'—Ephesians 1:5) the special phase of thought is that of the time, πρό, 'before' - before the foundation of the world. Both denote the exercise of Divine sovereignty." (Pulpit Commentary).
A body of elders in the Christian church. 1st Timothy 4:14.
An ancestor in the direct line; a forefather.
A foreknower or foreteller of a future event by present signs.
Promulgate, or promulgation
To publish; to make known by open declaration; as, to promulgate the secrets of a council. It is particularly applied to the publication of laws and the gospel. The moral law was promulgated at mount Sinai. The apostles promulgated the gospel.
1) To foretell future events; to predict.
2) To utter predictions; to make declaration of events to come.
3) In Scripture, to preach; to instruct in religious doctrines; to interpret or explain Scripture or religious subjects; to exhort.
1) The act of appeasing wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person; the act of making propitious.
2) In theology, the atonement or atoning sacrifice offered to God to assuage his wrath and render him propitious to sinners. Christ is the propitiation for the sins of men. Romans 3; 1st John 2.
A new convert to some religion or religious sect, or to some particular opinion, system or party. Thus a Gentile converted to Judaism is a proselyte; a pagan converted to Christianity is a proselyte. The word primarily refers to converts to some religious creed.
Dry food for beasts, usually meal, or a mixture of meal and cut straw or hay. In a more general sense, it may signify dry food of any kind.
In theology, the care and superintendence which God exercises over his creatures.
The word, psaltery, is used in translating the Hebrew word, nevel or nebel (neh'-bel). It is a musical instrument used by the Hebrews. Its form is not now known, but it is very likely a type of harp.
Leguminous plants or their seeds; the plants whose pericarp is a legume or pod, as beans, peas, etc.
